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The Great Easter Egg Hunt is Bigger Than Ever in its 10th Year!

IDAHO FALLS, ID – The Great Easter Egg Hunt is almost here and it’s going to be bigger and better than ever before. Join us for the 10th annual FREE easter egg hunt event for the whole family, Saturday, April 12th at Snake River Landing. Age groups will be spread out across much of Snake River Landing by the Waterfront.   Times will be staggered to allow families to travel to the different areas starting with the first hunt at 9:45 am with the 1-2 year-old age group. (See below for all age group times.) With over 25,000 eggs, large egg hunting zones, thousands of pieces of candy, over 250 prizes for kids, a visit from the Easter Bunny, and truly-hidden eggs for older age groups, this year’s Easter Egg Hunt is also adding 10! Golden Anniversary eggs to the area’s.   The Great Easter Egg Hunt is also very excited to partner with Camp Hayden again to host their accessible egg hunt for kids with special needs. This is a must for the whole family! Teton Toyota, ICCU, Rich Broadcasting, Broulim's and Snake River Landing are excited to support the community with a safe and fun place to hunt some eggs this Easter.

  • Date: Saturday, April 8th
  • Time: Egg Hunts are divided by Age Group. Start times for each age group -
      • 9:45 – 1-2 Year Olds
      • 10:05 – 3-4 Year Olds
      • 10:25 – 5-6 Year Olds
      • 10:45 – 7-8 Year Olds
      • 11:05 – 9-12 Year Olds
      • 11:25 – Children with special needs and their families by Camp Hayden
  • Location: Snake River Landing (See Attached map for age area locations)
  • Information and Updates:
  • Event Sponsors: Teton Toyota, ICCU, Rich Broadcasting, Broulim's and Snake River Landing, Camp Hayden.
  • Age Zone Sponsors: Available to interested businesses.

More about Snake River Landing

Snake River Landing is a master-planned waterfront community along the Snake River and Interstate 15 in the heart of Idaho Falls. At 450 acres, the project stretches from Pancheri Drive south to Sunnyside Road and includes areas for retail, office, medical, restaurant and residential space along with several parks, trails and water features. For more information, please visit or call 208.557.5300.